Ritual Artefacts
Needed Ritual Artefacts (Heiligr-Domar)
for Any Blöt, Sumbel, Ceremony, and Rite.
Suggestions for Göði/Gyðja wishing to compile necessary Ritual Artefacts for their Kindred, Hof, and/or Vé (and estimates of related costs for said items).
Contact HEIF's Outreach Staff if you need directions to where these items can be acquired. Ritus & Blöt Books are available through HEIF for attested Göði/Gyðja.
Bowed Lyres ($250-$300); Bell Wreath ($20); Vætt Drums (see below)
Musical Instruments are indispensable for any Hátíð celebration or Blöt.
Musical Instruments are indispensable for any Hátíð celebration or Blöt.
Vætt Ritual Drums are required to summon the Ancestors (20" to 22" fibreskin" Frame Drums, around $45 - $60 per)
Vætt Ritual Drums are required to summon the Ancestors (20" to 22" fibreskin" Frame Drums, around $45 - $60 per)
Bóli ($10); Mead-Horn ($25-$40)
Bóli ($10); Mead-Horn ($25-$40)
Ceremonial Mjölnir ($35-$50)
Ceremonial Mjölnir ($35-$50)
Hunting Knife & Ferro Rod - Need-Fire / Forced-Fire Creation Tools ($25-$40)
Hunting Knife & Ferro Rod - Need-Fire / Forced-Fire Creation Tools ($25-$40)
Ausa Vatni (Naming Ritual) Cup & Spoon ($25-$35) Ampules ($1 each)
Ausa Vatni (Naming Ritual) Cup & Spoon ($25-$35) Ampules ($1 each)
Authenticated (Blöted) Rune-Set ($20)
Authenticated (Blöted) Rune-Set ($20)
Frame Drums - Vætt (Summons for Ancestral Spirits) - ($45 - $60 each)
Frame Drums - Vætt (Summons for Ancestral Spirits) - ($45 - $60 each)
Wedding Handfæst Sweðel ($20-$35)
Wedding Handfæst Sweðel ($20-$35)