Ritual Artefacts

Needful Ritual Artefacts 

for Any Blöt, Sumbel, Rite, or Ceremony.

Suggestions for Göði/Gyðja wishing to compile necessary Ritual Artefacts for their Kindred, Hof, and/or Vé and estimates of costs.

Contact HEIF's Outreach Staff if you need directions to where these items can be acquired.

Bowed Lyres ($250-$300 per) Bell Wreath ($20 per)

Musical Instruments are indispensable for any Hátíð celebration or Blöt.

Vætt Spirit Drums are required to summon the Ancestors (20" to 22" fibreskin" Frame Drums, around $45 - $60 per)

Bóli ($10); Mead-Horn ($25-$40)

Ceremonial Mjölnir ($35-$50)

Hunting Knife & Ferro Rod ($25-$40)

Cup & Spoon ($25-$35) Ampules ($1 each)

Authentic Rune-Set ($20)

Frame Drums ($45 - $60 each)

Wedding Handfæst Sweðel ($20-$35)